SMA Kebangsaan - SMA Kebangsaan Gelar Malam Peringatan Nuzulul Quran

National High School Holds Nuzulul Quran Commemoration Night

MINGGU 02 MEI 2021

National High School Holds Nuzulul Quran Commemoration Night

South Lampung - Entering the middle of fasting, to be precise on the night of 17 Ramadan 1442 H, SMA Kebangsaan held a commemoration of Nuzulul Quran. The activity which took place in the meeting hall was attended by all civil servants and administrators of SMA Kebangsaan, Wednesday (28/4/2021).

Mayor Kav. Suyanto as Deputy Principal of the School for Infrastructure, Guidance and Care, expressed his gratitude for the presence of the big family of SMA Kebangsaan. He considered that this activity was also a form of gratitude for the blessings given by Allah SWT so that he could carry out worship in a blessed month.

"Today we are very happy to gather, stay in touch, and commemorate the night of Nuzulul Quran. The historic night where Allah first sent a revelation to us in the form of the Koran, "said Major Kav. Suyanto when delivering his speech.

After that, the activity was continued with iftar together, maghrib prayers in congregation, tarawih, and religious tausiah which was filled by Pamong Pengasuh (P3) Islamic Religious Education, Agus Amriza, S.Pd.I.

In his lecture, he said that the Koran is a living map, where all instructions, guidelines for behavior, etc. have been arranged by Allah in His holy book. "This we have to understand and follow, otherwise we will not reach our destination," he said.

Not only that, to get blessings in life it is necessary to balance the relationship between humans and God (Hablum minallah) and the relationship between humans and others (hablum minannas). "Because in every activity that requires us to socialize with others it must also be based on God," he said. (KBS / Reski)