SMA Kebangsaan - SMA Kebangsaan Dinilai Jadi Solusi Untuk Tuntaskan Krisis Kepemimpinan

Kebangsaan High School Is Considered to be the Solution to Solve the Crisis of Leadership


Kebangsaan High School Is Considered to be the Solution to Solve the Crisis of Leadership

Pesawaran – Kebangsaan High School is considered to be the solution to solve the leadership crisis in Indonesia. That was said by Drs. Yahtar Malyan as a secretary of Education and Culture Department Pesawaran Regency in the socialization event of New Student Admission (Pensisru) at the Hall of SMP N 1 Gedong Tataan, Wednesday (9/6/2021).

According to Drs Yahtar, that solution could be implemented through an education system enforced in Kebangsaan High School with a semi-military boarding system. “So, one solution to solve the crisis of leadership is giving education to our children in Kebangsaan High School,” he said when delivered the speech.

Meanwhile, Navy Colonel (Purn) Drs. Djaenuri, M.M. said, the students of Kebangsaan High School have already achieved many achievements. Both academic and non-academic achievements at the regional, national, and international levels.

Especially from 2021, there will do cluster division based on their respective further education interests. They also guided in academic, health, and physical abilities. “There are official school clusters, military and police academies, general education, overseas study, or medicine in Germany,” said Drs. Djaenuri.

Sometime before, he continued, 20 students of Kebangsaan High who were interested in continuing their education to the military and police academy and other official schools were sent to Army headquarters for having the guidance and physical training. As a result, Kebangsaan High School students succeed to pass the physical test in the State of National Intelligence (STIN), even being the best followed by the student from Taruna Nusantara High School and Krida Nusantara High School.

“Our children who were studying in Kebangsaan High School had given the result. Therefore, we hope this cooperation can go well,” he closed.

For the information, that socialization was attended by School Principals' Working Group (MKKS) Junior High School from Pesawaran Regency. Also present was Chairman II LPTTK Ir. Toto Priyana, M.M., Principal of Kebangsaan High School Eri Katamso, S.Pd., Gr., and Vice-Principal of Administration and Public Relation Fitri Yenti Dirta, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. for further introduction about Kebangsaan High School profile, achievements, to the step of registration for the new student. (KBS/Reski)