SMA Kebangsaan - Kuatkan Daya Juang, Kunci Utama Menuju Keberhasilan

Strengthen the Fighting Force, the Main Key to Success


Strengthen the Fighting Force, the Main Key to Success

South Lampung - In the journey of life, even though it has been supported by adequate facilities, if you do not have fighting power, it will still not be optimal. This was conveyed by Mr. Dr. (HC). H. Zulkifli Hasan, S.E., M.M. when visiting students of SMA Kebangsaan in an international workshop entitled 'Building Successful Future Pathway', Monday (12/4/2021).

SMA Kebangsaan makes every effort possible to facilitate the education of its students, especially for preparation for further education at home and abroad. Starting from academic guidance, physical and health, language, to scholarships. However, according to Pak Zulkifli, the future still depends on themselves.

"Even if they are trained, they get good facilities, if they don't have a good and tough fighting spirit, they still can't. The key to success is there, "he said.

Based on the experiences he has gone through, according to him there will always be trials and obstacles. Starting from financial shortages, geographical conditions that are far from various best accesses such as in big cities, less supportive family conditions, and so on. But what needs to be remembered is that every painful event, along with there must be something good.

"But humans are weak, sometimes we give up, complain, so that's where faith is needed. Also improve our thinking power, don't like to enjoy sadness, ā€¯continued Pak Zulkifli.

During the visit, Mr. Zulkifli thanked Mr. Doddy Primanda Kadarisman and Mrs. dr. Nurul Aini, M. Biomed., MBA. as the Advisor and Director of the Office of International Affairs at SMA Kebangsaan who has taken special time to share knowledge and guide students who will continue their education at foreign universities and medical education in Germany.

"Welcome to Mr. Doddy and Mrs. Nungkie, thank you very much. It is an honor to be able to help our schools and children. Here he came all the way from Germany, so make the best of your time as possible, "he appealed to the students. (KBS / Reski)