SMA Kebangsaan - Kedubes Prancis untuk RI dan LPTTK Siap Antarkan Siswa-siswi SMA Kebangsaan Melanjutkan Pendidikan Tinggi di Prancis

French Embassy to RI and LPTTK Ready to Send National High School Students to Continue Higher Education in France


French Embassy to RI and LPTTK Ready to Send National High School Students to Continue Higher Education in France

Jakarta - The French Embassy (Embassy) to Indonesia in collaboration with the National Taruna Park Educational Institution (LPTTK) is ready to escort students of SMA Kebangsaan to continue their studies at French universities which are subsidized by 70 percent of the government. This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the LPTTK II, Ir. Toto Priyana, M.M. based on the results of a meeting held by the LPTTK and the French Embassy in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/4/2021).

It is known that the meeting was held under the coordination of dr. Nurul Aini, M. Biomed., MBA. as Director of the Office for International Cooperation (KUI), an office established by the LPTTK. It was also attended by LPTTK officials, namely the Chairperson of the LPTTK Radityo Egi Pratama, ST., MBA., Chair II of the LPTTK Ir. Toto Priyana, M.M., and KUI supervisor Doddy Primanda Kadarisman, S.T.

Ir. Toto said that the French Embassy, ​​through the Indonesian Francais Institute (IFI) together with the National Senior High School LPTTK would serve their students maximally to continue their study abroad at universities in France in accordance with the school's vision and mission.

"As stated by the Chairperson of the LPTTK, the aim of facilitating students including the National Senior High School guardians to the international community is as an effort to prepare Indonesian human resources as a cadre of national leaders who are knowledgeable, knowledgeable and professional," he said when contacted by the KBS Media Team, Wednesday (28 / 4/2021).

Meanwhile, the French Language Cooperation Attache Dr. Philippe Grange and the University and Education Collaboration Attache Philomene Robin welcomed the arrival and good intentions of the LPTTK. The two of them also briefly explained the descriptions of universities in France.

According to Ir. Toto, as a form of full support for this cooperation, Dr. Philippe Grange and Philomene Robin also said that IFI is ready to assist in administrative preparation and preparation for French language at various universities which will be targeted by SMA Kebangsaan students. "Even IFI is also ready to assist the assignment of French native speakers, if needed, the National Senior High School LPTTK."

The meeting session, continued Ir. Toto, ended with a group photo session and the handover of souvenirs from French Embassy officials to the LPTTK administrators. "In the future, further meetings will be held to follow up on existing plans as well as to establish cooperation through the MoU," he concluded. (KBS / Reski)